Courts Deny DJANGO UNCHAINED Actress DANIELE WATTS’ Apology Letter After Tantrum And Accusing Cop For Racial Profiling At Being Caught Having Sex With Boyfriend In Car

the police-community relations in the black community is walking on delicate territory as, the black race has dealt with one-too-may incidents turned tragedy.

With the kind of heat between these police-community relations around the world and the climate being such that it is, it’s no wonder (or obviously) a cop feeling accused of racial profiling (then) in conjunction with the times like (now), is not going take to kindly to the claim.

That said, the typical social media histrionics and awe-struck scenario and pics of that smiling, accepting cop who wrote that awesome acceptance letter did not happen for Daniele.

Instead-the courts rejected her apology letter and Daniele took to her social media account to express her shocked and awe:




Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .