Category: Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Fatalities in Popular Culture Entertainment: Television news Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies

Complications from Open Heart Surgery Cause of JAMES AVERY’s Death. JADA PINKETT-SMITH, ALPHONSO RIBEIRO & TATYANA ALI Speak

We learned yesterday (January 1, 2014) about the death of James Avery, “Uncle Phil”, the patriarch of the 90’s television…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Fatalities in Popular Culture Entertainment: Movies (Dvd, Big Screen) Entertainment: Television news Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies

“AN IMITATION OF LIFE” Oscar-Nominated Actress: JUANITA MOORE Dead At 99

Oscar nominated actress, Juanita Moore, died at age 99. The name “Juanita Moore” may not ring a bell to you,…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment (non-music) Entertainment: Fatalities in Popular Culture Entertainment: Popular News Entertainment: Television news Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies Music: Rap Culture

JAMES AVERY: “Uncle Phil” of Fresh Prince of Bel Air Patriarch-Dead at Age 65

You probably haven’t seen him in a while, but you’ve probably (literally) heard him on television, recently, on all of…