Category: Friend-Guy Files
Honestly, having not thought about it until we began noticing people in popular culture being demonstratively proud of being able to express (to the world) who they are, and whomever they love recently; we here at Other Side of the Fame opened this category on our blog so as to let our LGBT readers know that this blog (regardless of all the categories and varying subjects) is just as LGBT friendly as we are heterosexual. Although love should be as equal and simple as “Love is Love” and there shouldn’t even have to be a need to separate “LGBT” (in order to inform and make it stand out to let it be known that we are celebrating it as stand-alone); we did it anyways. We did it so as to inform ALL our readers that love IS love and we all collect the same pain and joy from relationships whether it be LGBT or heterosexual.
Presented by ELLEN DEGENERES, KERRY WASHINGTON Recipient of 2015 GLAAD Vanguard Award – Delivers Powerful, Poignant Speech To the Masses About The Masses
The irony of one of the most poignant moments of the evening at the 2015 GLAAD Media Awards was the…
SAM SMITH And Boyfriend Break Up Just After 3 Weeks
Depending on how you look at it, this ‘bout spoils the belief that speaking something into existence manifests itself…
Although openly gay athlete Michael Sam may not get no love from the NFL, the GLAAD Media Awards Organization will…