Ok. Let’s kick the forensics here.
Somewhere in between these Instagram shots that I marked in yellow, this Instagram shot was posted:
……..and then magically removed, but: “Tweets iz watchin,’” so somebody got a hold of it.
If you remember, Other Side of the Fame wrote up the story this week about Diddy posting a pic of a big beautiful ring and while he did not post: “will you marry me” or anything remotely close to that, it was clear as the diamond itself, that the ring was a token of a sentiment of some sort.
Via Instagram, he posted the pic of the ring with words that read: “Baby do you like it? I just want to get you wat you Like ! I just wanna Mk you smile 🙂 #takeDat. !”
Next, we saw pics of Cassie wearing the ring:
And then wearing the ring while next to Diddy-all smiles:
We’ll we needn’t refer to the deleted Instagram
to conclude whether or not an actual proposal (for marriage) was offered because if you look at ever pic posted since standing by Diddy with the ring on,
she (like any other woman) would have proudly posted a close-up pic with the ring and as well; confirmation that [while he may not have actually proposed to her across the Internet and Instagram’s] he did indeed propose to her-in person.
(Beyond a reasonable doubt we can conclude she would have done that because across Instagram is where they both tend to display their affection)…
Having said that, we really can’t conclude that he actually proposed, or because Diddy did not actually propose]; perhaps that was the sentiment behind her [now deleted Instagram message].
As mentioned already, they’ve taken their affections across Instagram through the pulse of their relationship and if there was any proposing done, I think we can be rested and assured the girl would have humblebragged it (someone between the marked yellow Instagram pics).
Either way, just like she said (in the now deleted Instagram post): [I need more] “Like wayyyyy more. Happy and in love – not engaged.”
Well, like John Cougar Mellencamp’s “lil diddy ‘about Jack and Diane” had a story, Diddy and Cassie have theirs. So let’s just stick to that little diddy and let “Happy and in love” be great. 🙂