Move over rappers and rockstars, there’s real “beef” across these social media
streets skreets.
While McDonald’s never got back with Burger King on that burger remix, BK’s heart still went on-in quite the snide, bold way.
Fast food giants: Burger King and Wendy’s traded subliminal insults across social media definitely worthy of taking notice.
As it turns out, somewhere in this bottom line, the burger competitors keep one eye open for possible threats—and copycats.
Just when Wendy’s put forth current best bang for your buck: For the price of $4, a ‘balanced’ meal including a starch (fries), hamburger (red meat protein), bread (grain), + chicken nuggets (white meat protein), the next day, Burger King took a moment to shine.
The flame-broiled boss set out to do Wendy’s one better: all that + “desert” (a cookie)—for the same $4 price.
On social media, sometimes things are pure coincidence. But in a place like such, it seems everybody is constantly looking for threats through silence and finding them in words that may (or may not) be about, or meant for you.
Well obviously, the majority ruled and assumed Burger King’s next day reply + pic was in response to Wendy’s posting a pic, minding their own business-bragvertising:
“The 4 for $4 Meal: a trayful of mouth-filling glory.”
The 4 for $4 Meal: a trayful of mouth-filling glory.
— Wendy’s (@Wendys) January 20, 2016
Burger King posted:
“5 for $4, because 5 is better than 4.”
5 for $4, because 5 is better than 4.
— Burger King (@BurgerKing) January 21, 2016
In walks a social media fast food fan who did that one thing I told you about we’d do as kids (to get the fight started): One person would be responsible for