After a bitter family feud that had gone on for years involving the welfare, life, and limb of radio king and the original American Top 40’s “Casey Kasem” (real name: Kemal Kasem); 82, the plug was pulled, the lights were turned out, and volume was turned down forever on Father’s Day, June 15, 2014.
On June 1, 2014, Kasem was hospitalized and admitted to St. Anthony Hospital in western Washington State for an infected bedsore. He suffered from Lewy body dementia and had been bedridden for a long while leading to his being hospitalized.
A native of Detroit Michigan, Casey Kasem’s extensive radio career and resume goes back as far as the 1950’s after being drafted into armed forced and serving in Korea, he became a DJ for the Armed Forces Radio Korean Network and the rest is history-literally.
In 1970 Kasem co-founded American Top 40 and served as the world’s most notable voice, face, and host through 1988.
Casey Kasem took a ten year hiatus from American Top 40 and proceeded to host Casey’s Top 40, and in 1998, continued to host the program into 2004 where from there, Ryan Seacrest was passed the mic.
Unbeknownst to many, Kasem did more than radio. He also was the voice behind “Shaggy” of the Scooby-Doo cartoon franchise and as well, starred in countless
low-budget films.
Kasem’s passing didn’t go without incident, as, he leaves behind a broken family that for many years, had been feuding over control of his care. By 2013, the feud erupted when his three adult children (Mike, Julie, and Kerri) born to his first wife Linda Myers-claimed their stepmom/current wife of Casey’s (Jean Kasem), was preventing them from seeing their sick father.
By December 2013, a settlement between his current wife and eldest daughter Kerri was granted but the wrangle continued through May of this year after Casey Kasem suddenly and mysteriously went missing. After which, temporary control over Kasem’s treatment was granted on Friday, June 6, 2014 and Kerri decided to stop giving her father water, medication, and food after being informed by medical personnel that feeding and hydrating him only caused him more physical pain.
Last Monday, a judge ruled however, that Kasem was to be fed, hydrated, and medicated while a court-appointed legal team reviewed his medical condition.
Before his death on Sunday (Father’s Day June 15) on Friday, Kerri released a statement through her spokesperson stating her father wouldn’t be with us much longer.
On Father’s Day this past Sunday, via her Facebook page, Kerri Kasem explained:
“Early this Father’s Day morning, our dad Casey Kasem passed away surrounded by family and friends. Even though we know he is in a better place and no longer suffering, we are heartbroken. Thank you for all your love, support and prayers. The world will miss Casey Kasem, an incredible talent and humanitarian; we will miss our Dad.
With love, Kerri, Mike and Julie.”