SAFAREE Searching for Self & Life After NICKI MINAJ + How NICKI Basically Played Herself Through Their Public Breakup & What Women NEVER Should Do In Such Situations

turned hate.

nicki-minaj-meek-mill (1) nicki-minaj-meek-mill2 (1)As a relationship enthusiast and intimacist, I would be remised if I didn’t interject this lil’ tidbit-because when I write or blog (as per my numbers), I’m speaking to thousands upon millions all over the world…

I’m a writer [of “erotic, introspective, reflective, self-efficacious and metaphysical literature”] before I’m just a “blogger” (hence why I just “transcribe” footage-I summarize and relay. As a writer, I blog to READERS-not just people who scour blogs for pics and same stories warmed over).

Even through my blogging about celebrities…sometimes regular life situations are being written about (like such), and when that happens, I do interject my being a “writer” (of “erotic, introspective, reflective, self-efficacious and metaphysical literature”) while I’m just “blogging.”

This is one such time.

So to that, regarding this situation (to the ladies, I must say this):

Something about all men-women have to remember or need to know (whether it be “Nicki Minaj” or some other Nicki):

Men see their own pain-in another’s man’s pain, regardless if he is participating in the act (i.e flipping the bird to the camera for a pic that would soon be making its way around the world for all to see) or not.

No matter the situation –how bad or mutual the decision that caused a breakup: Never allow your new man to blatantly disrespect your old man…especially when you know your old man did nothing to him.meeknick_ (1)

The fact that Nicki, herself, didn’t even have the guts to flip the bird too, was probably some internal whisper letting her know that it wasn’t cool (and all jokes and “blogging” aside) it wasn’t.

That’s not to say that she (along with her new boo and friends couldn’t have been having a fun moment that totally had nothing to do with what the world took from the picture and ran with); the fact of the matter is (given the circumstances), that’s automatically what they read [from that picture that said a thousand words].

You see, women don’t realize just how much men get their general clues on how to treat women based on how they see other women treat women and too, get their clues on how they are going to treat a woman (as an individual) based upon how he sees her level of respect for another man (obviously including himself). 

When women sit around and diss their old man to their new man-they’ve really played themselves (no matter if the new man is participating or not).

Men are constantly studying women and trying to decide how they are going to tier and treat them mostly-based upon how you, yourself move. What you allow, what you say, what you do, how you respond, how you put out—all that.

It’s like I just said a few paragraphs up: Men see themselves in other men’s pain.

And if a woman would put another man through a certain kind of pain for him-he knows too, that she will eventually do it to him. In due time, that would put you out of his good graces and level of respect, when it is you that

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .