My MASTER CLASS? Art, Books, Blogs, Love, Sex & Relationships – What’s Yours?”

be your Masterclass?

Keep in mind what I mentioned in the beginning:

There’s a saying that goes:

“Those that can’t do: teach.”

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Well…the same is true for those that can do-they can teach as well.

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That being reiterated, what would your Master class be?

Although many of us aren’t online with these pros in writing (James Patterson), sports (Serena Williams), entertainment (Usher), film (Dustin Hoffman) art and photography (Annie Lebovitz), the fact of the matter is: like their online Masterclass-exhibiting their craft digitally by instruct–charging a “fee”  as, the word “pro/fessional” serves as a forewarning (in any field) that ‘I must be paid for my services (and time)…as, I do, and am doing this for a living-just like you get up and go to work and work for your time…

The fact of the matter is: we are all digitizing (online) and have an audience (via social media right on with us or with open pages and sites–audiences

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .