Syria-sly. TRUMP Orders Airstrikes on Syria

Trump Ordered Airstrikes on Syria.


Call it a knee-jerk response to his mounting scandals rocking his own world right now or call him a jerk. Either way, after days of threatening to do so, Trump just ordered airstrikes on Syria.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, this is about the 2nd time under Trump’s presidency [that it is believed that the country’s leader] is responsible for and has a propensity to wage chemical war weaponry on his own citizens.

With the world watching (and others believing North Korea is watching even closer—you know for strategy), where and how things go from here remains to be seen. Trump called out for Russia (and Iran-Syria’s allies) to intervene.


Tap in to our friends at Time for the deets on this story.

Tap in to our sister site for a Syria rewind.



Author: Angela Sherice