As much as I am a lover of love and a champion of romantic love, the realist in me always gets my confirmation (and proof) that the reality about “unconditional” (romantic) love is: It is always contingent on like and reciprocation of that which mirrors love itself—for the time being…up to, and until.
While is bliss, what we say was (at first) “unconditional” later becomes conditional (i.e: after the “love” is gone, situations arise, and conditions trump that bliss); in the game of love, all you’ll have to fall back on is:
- a person’s personal character (over caricature)
- discretion
- personal principles
…and that’s where your choice of partner in love is tested…so let the finger-crossing and hoping begin (that you chose someone principled-rather than petty).
Let the church say amen………….
I mean because seriously, let’s kick the ballistics here: Things we do and say when we are in love, and at certain times during moments of love; we wouldn’t dare say (or do) when that same “unconditional” love turns to hate or: “unlove” [I should say].
Take, for instance, our girl Sherri Shepherd of “The View.”
If you remember, Other Side of the Fame gave you the G’s on Sherri’s nasty split with former love: “Sal From The D”-who’s suing her for the divorce.
Unfortunately, caught up in this ugly split is a beautiful unborn child who (come end of July 2014) will be born to a surrogate mother [via Sal From the D’s sperm].
Well now that d-day has come for the union of Sherri and Sal, Sal is proposing that Sherri be made to pay child support for “their” unborn child.
Wellllllllll. It was [going to be] “their” child (had the two not split up) but now that they are, Sherri Shepherd reversed the (typical) saying: “Momma’s baby. Daddy’s ‘maybe.’”
From Sherri’s view, it’s: “Daddy’s baby, momma’s ‘maybe,’” —because she aint having it (literally…and…literally): She aint having that baby (from her body) and as well; she aint payin’ for that baby from her bank account!
According to our sources (and several sources closely connected to Sherri and Sal From the D) the “Plan D” author doesn’t even want to have anything to do with the surrogate baby because she believes the whole thing was apart of Sal’s plan [his making her his “baby-momma” so that he could collect like a “baby-daddy”].
According to TerMiteZ (most probably our guy Harvey-resident former lawyer turned celebrity smut blogger who’s probably earned more blogging celeb stories than a mere lawyers salary would ever pay), “now here’s where it gets tricky. We’re told Sherri does not want custody or even to be considered a parent … because she doesn’t want to get stuck with massive child support payments. Sherri wants a judge to rule she has no parental rights or responsibilities — which would shut the door to child support. She claims Lamar defrauded her — that he got her to sign on for a surrogate birth knowing full well he would divorce her and then nail her to the wall for child support.”
[He?] added (spoken like a true lawyer): “Another twist … Sherri has filed for divorce in New Jersey and Lamar has filed in California. This is not a coincidence. We did some digging, and found New Jersey courts generally do NOT recognize surrogacy agreements, which means Lamar would probably be shut down. Not so in Cali.”
The surrogacy, split, and saga continues…
Cue the dramatic theme music:
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .