Later for your:
- Hot dances moves
- Unmatched pipes that could give Mariah a run for her money
…and all other yawn talents ‘hum drum’ talent for the ‘turn up’ an typical that run amok.
Meet North Carolina’s Mike Senatore: an Ardrey Kell High School student dancing…(no) singing… (no)…flipping to the beat of his own…drum thing.
It’s all about doing “You.” And this is proof.
While you may not be able to do what others can do, I swear by (and even write about it in a book I wrote), there is something you can do, all yours—exclusive to you that nobody can do better, quite like, or at all like “You” –(like Mike).
Check Mike out. He needs no introduction. No. Nothing fancy.
You see, during a talent show, Mike exhibited something unexpected and quite unprecedented.
While his talent is unusual, he delivered it in style and confidence. What is it?
Oh. In slow motion, just by running toward a table (as his prop), he simply flipped a water bottle from his hand and onto the table—it landed-standing, right side up! LoL.
While his unusual talent was the usual. He deserved nothing less than to have [the chorus] Elton John “I’m Still Standing,” playing as his background/theme music (and water companies like Dasani, Evian, Nestle, Fiji, Crystal Geyser, Ice Mountain banging down his door, giving him a deal [and cut my “finders me” and rolling credits] for the idea
and video treatment as simple as his awesome, fun talent. LoL:
- Dressed as himself
- Walk up to a piano Elton John…or look alike-whatever’s cheaper-paid use of his music or him being here :)-
- While he’s walking up to the piano (and Elton/or the player, playing it), he should be walking up to it as jovial as Elton is in the video
- Then viola! Simply flip the bottle (which should be shown in slow-motion and landing onto the floor by the piano man followed by the words from the song: “I’m Still Standing!” playing as the commercial goes ends.
How ‘bout it?
Let’s get this thing poppin flippin’!
I loooooooooooooooooooove this! LoL
On another note:
We stay true to our name Other Side of the Fame-where (on the other side of entertainment and fame) we insist on blogging things we are personally like/love/have an opinion about that the world of pop culture may be (or need to be) thinking, feeling or talking about!
Mike Senatore gets an honorable, lifetime entry into our Teens Turning Up section here at Other Side of the Fame right among the scholars, sports savvy and other talented teens we love to see “turning up” in delightful or unusual/atypical ways!