Nickelodean star and Saturday Night Live comedian Kenan Thompson and his wife Christina Evangeline, welcomed a 6 pound new baby girl: Georgia Marie Thompson, into the world on June 20, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. Baby and mom are said to be doing well, mom: “exhausted but ecstatic.”
Thompson first told the world he would soon be “Papa Kenan” during an appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers-back in early March this year and when asked if he was ready for fatherhood he joked: “I am terrified. I don’t know what to do with babies!”
He also joked that during the birth, he would most probably be at the casino, explaining: “Women, that’s an intricate type situation. You go through a lot, I applaud you”–[addressing the women in the audience].
Don’t know if he actually went to the casino during the birth of his baby girl or no, but join Other Side of the Fame in wishing the proud papa, mom, and baby girl the best of luck.
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