Well if it wasn’t enough that former The View co-host Sherri Shepherd’s ex-hubby Lamar Sally a.k.a “Sal from the D” dropped the bomb on her by suing for divorce on behalf of their (then) unborn child (who since, and because of the divorce), Sherri pulled the baby-daddy: “it aint my baby” move, and in turn, left her half on the baby up to the surrogate and Lamar. But all was kept in the family when her biological baby daddy and Sal formed this weirrrrrrd friendship [during Sherri and Sal’s split].
Just to brief you on that—you know thing that typically-catty, bored, chickies’ll do when one chick is no longer friends with two chicks in particular (for whatever reason) and all of a sudden, the two (bitter) chickie’s left hanging begin to form this weirrrrrd, kooky, desperate, pathetic, thing [they’d like to call a], “friendship”—(whose foundation is basically built on carrying a big knife for the chickie that doesn’t eff with either one of them anymore)—Oh…you what/who I’m talkin’ about…We’ve all had those in out of our lives, right?
So you know what I mean…
At any rate.
Lamar and the father of Sherri’s biological child (Jeffrey)’s father did just that (for whatever reasons).
Although that still didn’t stop Sherri’s go (seeing as though she kept it movin’—full steam ahead. During all this mess, she parted ways with The View and has since gone on to play the wicked stepsister in the Broadway run of Cinderella).
Well just so you know. The baby has since, been born and Lamar is spilling the beans.
Go on and *cue Steve Perry’s “Oh Sherrie” atop the big screen ’cause from the sounds of things (as you’ll read) Lamar is singing the same tune for his Sherri [Shepherd].
According to our sources, the Los Angeles based scriptwriter is claiming that the reason, he and Sherri married so fast (after having dated only one year) was because Sherri, 47, wanted a baby with him and supposedly stated: “I don’t want to be an old mother,” said the [biological] mother of __ year-old Jeffrey.
According to Sally, 44, Sherri was ready to do this thing. It was so important to her that he agreed, so he says.
Now get a load of this.
Although we reported (as per our sources) that as per Sherri…(to make a long story short) she believed Sally married her for gain, but now, the new baby is 7 weeks old, on welfare, and denied being seen by the The View former co-host, so Lamar is dropping the G’s.
You already know (as we reported) Sherri wasn’t able to conceive, but he (Lamar) claims that Sherri peeled off a cool $30,000.00 to the 23 year-old surrogate mother and waitress for her nine months time, good seed, and good deed, but since giving birth on August 5 (and handing the baby over to Lamar); since she and Lamar are no longer together-Sherri basically feels her part [which would have been the doting wife and mother of the new baby] is now null and void.
Although she’s not helping him financially with the new baby, Lamar claims that Sherri earned about $3 million dollars from The View and the two never argued about, or had money problems. In fact, he claimed that Sherri was a pack rat, in therapy, and spends somewhere around the ballpark of $25k per month on shoes and dresses–and the two homebodies basically sat home and watched Scandal while his basic routine was to throw a couple steaks and lobster tails on the grill and that’d be that.
“We paid her [the surrogate] $30,000 to be our surrogate and it helped out her family a lot but now it’s becoming an awful burden and I feel horrible about it and Sherri doesn’t care one bit,” Sally told our source.
This is where it gets kookier than the newly forged friendship with Jeffrey’s baby’s dad:
Sally says that Sherri offered him $150k to go away but he refused to accept the monies.
The couple, right now, are going through divorce proceedings to which Lamar claims he doesn’t even know exactly why they split in the first place, as, there were no issues with money or infidelity on either part [of theirs].
Although Sherri does still have insurance via the Screen Actors Guild, she refuses to put the baby on her insurance. To add insult to injury-future or otherwise-(literally) Sherri’s attorney put it in writing–Sherri’s non responsibility for the child, as a result of she and Lamar’s split.
“My attorney tried to convince Sherri that it would not reflect on the case at all and that it would not imply that she was taking responsibility as a parent to have the child on her insurance but still refused and told me to get on Medicaid,” Sally sated who says that he only wants Sherry to own up to her responsibilities and co-parent as [they both] agreed.
“Sherri is the one who initiated the surrogacy and we agreed to do this together, she wanted this child more than anything,” he insists.
As stated earlier, Sherri is now on Broadway playing her wicked role while the Detroit native has moved back to his old apartment in Los Angeles, and is preparing to teach grade school in order to make ends meet.
“All I can do is to take care of my son the best way I know how but I feel sorry for Sherri. I don’t hate her or have any bitterness, but one day she is going to have to sit down and explain to LJ that she turned her back on him and I don’t know how she is going to do that.”
Oh Sherri. Dear, I know you read Other Side of the Fame and we want to respect your wishes on not seeing the baby so…this is the part where you can turn your head-only turn back to look with fair warning that once you see there cutie, we’re sure you will run to him with open arms and pocketbook immeJATly–saving him from WIC vouchers, bad Similac, the County and that HORRIBLE knock-off Cream of Wheat and other cereals with the bad cartoon drawings on the box-coming his way in the near future (should you not).
Thattta way Sherri!!!!!!
*points wayyyyyyyyyyyy out yonder*
Hello World. Meet LJ. Leo. Born August 5, 2014-weighing in at about 6 lbs, modeling a onesie, diaper, sucking on a binkie…and trying to understand this funny monkey-bear dad insists he forges and friendship with.
Isn’t he adorable!?
*baby talk*
Bled’em hearrrrt. Nooka dere. Him so kwoooot. Ol’ tinky. tink.
Awww…he’s so darling.
*clutching my heart*
Cue the dramatic theme music, again, because this lil’ saga is certainly continuing.
I can see Sherri having a change of heart and running towards this cutie now–in slow motion.
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .