“Officer Slam” Slammed: S.C. Spring Valley High Officer Ben Fields FIRED For Body Slamming Teen

muscular officer (seen here lifting 600+ pounds).



In a press conference released hours ago, Sheriff Lott stated (and reiterated) how upset he was at the officer’s actions and “continues” to be upset at looking at the video-explaining that the “technique” (called the “muscle technique”) that Officer Fields chose to use on the girl in no way coincided with the techniques taught by police officers for situations like such.

The “muscle technique” is such that arms are put around the neck (such as seen and the tape) but according to Lott, it was disturbing that not only did Fields use the improper technique, but even after body slamming and ejecting her from the seat of her desk, adding insult to injury, he proceeded to lift her such that he slid her several feet to the front of the classroom.

Despite the fact (after being held in the chokehold) the girl could then be seen swinging at the officer “with a closed first” (quoted as reported), that’s a natural fight or flight response for any human being (treated less than a human being-shown on tape calm and not disruptive-merely sitting in a chair holding on to a cell phone and not a gun).

Later reports merely proved what I had already ascertained after observing the girl in just seconds: “something is wrong with her” I said to myself. And noted that she’s probably “special needs” as, I was more than sure it would come out sooner or latter.





Well sooner came before later and just a day after I stated that, it was indeed reported that the young girl had recently lost her mother and was currently orphaned in foster care.

I totally and instinctively knew something was abnormal about her disposition and response during being apprehended like such and especially afterwards—being thrown across the floor like such. I looked and listened for sounds of emotion from her during, and after to no avail-none whatsoever outside of a mere squeal. And that, to me-was just not normal-for a “normal” functioning teen (or person-regardless of age).

Deaf, blind, dumb, crippled or crazy, it’s natural to be held in a choke hold and (if arms and legs are free) swing your arms to fight and save yourself, but it is NOT

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .