Child/ren, But No Americans Aboard EgyptAir Flight 804 From Paris To Cairo Makes Abrupt Turns – Vanishes Over Mediterranean

EgyptAir Flight 804 Paris to Cairo Vanishes Across MediterraneanEgyptAir Flight MS804 en route to Cairo, Egypt, went missing at approximately 2:45 a.m.-30 minutes from its Paris, France landing in clear weather conditions while traveling 37,000 feet at 19 miles per hour (which is considered ‘cruise’ altitude).

The M320 was made in 2003 with, what officials say, is state of the art/high tech features and mechanics and (for that reason) in no way is considered having malfunctioned mid air.
CMS804 EgyptAir Paris to Cairo Families Arrivearrying 1 child (others report 3), 56 passengers and 10 crew members (15 French passengers, 30 Egyptians, 1 Briton, 2 Iraquis, 1 Kuwaiti, 1 Saudi); the plane went missing over the Mediterranean and, reportedly, made [quote] “abrupt turns” [end quote], before vanishing off the radar 10 miles to Egyptian airspace.

Officials say pilot didn’t place a distress call but noted that when a place makes abrupt turns, it’s typically to avoid possible collisions.

Thus far, 15 passenger’s family members have arrived to Cairo airport awaiting word on the outcome or whereabouts of this missing plane while officials search for debris and doctors are on hand at to airport to assist family members stricken by shock and worry.

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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .