If “Black History Month” hasn’t offended you or made you question it as “hate month” then “Black Lives Matter” shouldn’t offend you (and be seen as a “hate group”)-simply because (obviously) you associate the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag with “#BlackTwitter”—and now see both as not one, but two black fists.
As I’ve explained before-regarding black lives, white privilege and “Black History Month” (here on pages 3 to 4), given the fact that [as much as blacks have contributed to everything from inventions to safety and fight of this country (that’s never made it to the forefront and center of many a history books); it became necessary that Black culture became aware of its heritage and ancestry for having been more than just slaves. Black History Month every year in February [is supposed to serve as a reminder of that].
It’s really sad that #BlackLivesMatter requires a defense or needs to be explained to help alleviate fear and disdain from the minds of people who only see a black fist at the sight of the social media hashtag and name.
Especially before the invention of social media, where (despite your opinion about what you see) black people have forced many to reckon with their stereotypes that have been engraved in their thinking for far too long. Then along came a peek into the worlds of black women who (despite your opinion) celebrate their athletic prowess and bodies or curves.
Others have great, intelligent, spiritual minds and artistic souls.
A further peek into black lives and worlds is showing that the men aren’t all robbers, rapists, killers and thieves; many are poets, artists, and educated.
Others are family men (despite what beforehand-what fed into stereotypes that many justified).
Opposite that [down to the black men and women who have come into world wide web view-just to be seen], even they have a certain swagger and “somethings” that’s forcing many-a-people holding on to many-a-stereotypes be held accountable for a complete overhaul of thought processes that unfortunately, many refuse to process [as being something they should have to reckon with].
If you are anything truthful to yourself, you aren’t in denial that pretty much all races in
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .