Former Talk Show MONTELL WILLIAMS Accuses Twactivist SHAUN KING Of Being a Drama Queen + Bids Brit PIERS MORGAN To Admit His White Privilege

Uh. Un.

Never again will you come for Twitter activist Shaun King and make him feel like a peasant because this time, he is armed, armored and ready.

It was just a couple months ago that King was Twi-nihilated after being outed and Rachel Dolezal’d when Breibart website wrote up a full site spread claiming among other similar instances, King lied to media maven Oprah Winfrey about being of biracial heritage by applying to her scholarship that was intended for men of color.

Twitte was all ears and all eyes were on Shaun King.

The entire Twi-bacle took place over the course of a few days where King vehemently defended his connection to, and association with the black community (outside of being a #BlackLivesMatter front lineman) that despite all, didn’t

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .