First Things First: Before You Begin To “Make” Your First Impression There Are 8 Things People Already Have Decided About You Within Seconds of Meeting Your Acquaintence

no matter HOW great or successful or wonderful the journey was—whatever happened FIRST (via aura/energy, disharmony, accord or discord, enmity or unity) is GOING to come back (or plague the relationship-business, personal or otherwise).

That said. I tend to stick with the “first” happening. And well, if that energy or reception/reciprocation was great energy, with unity, or on one accord, well then (obviously) Great! Let’s do this! Have this! Or (together) Be This!

Because regardless, (because we are human) whatever (eventual) disharmony, discord or enmity that may seep through during our journey, it is the FIRST that enables whatever perils we face, to be repaired—because we started off good…FIRST.

Get it?

That said, the opposite is true (and again, I will repeat): I do NOT defy whatever happens “first” because I feel that ‘first’ is where we create our harmony or disharmony, accord or discord, enmity or unity. Obviously, things occur at the “first” or start of anything that sometimes we go back and re-do. But almost ALWAYS, no matter HOW great or successful or wonderful the journey was—whatever happened FIRST (via aura/energy, disharmony, accord or discord, enmity or unity) is GOING to come back (or plague the relationship-business, personal or otherwise).

So now that you have my spiel of “first” let’s talk about first thoughts, impressions, chance happenings and all things [that occur first] between people.

As well, knowing that information is a great mind tool to use for those times when you feel stuck and with no options with person or situation that tries to make you feel that it/they are the ONLY truth, the light and the way for you. Never believe that. Because again…what? WE (you, me and non omnipotent human beings) DO NOT OWN “1”-we are put here to make use of our faculties and resources divisible by 2.

Remember that.

At any rate, as well, did you realize there are 8 things people already decide within seconds of meeting you?8 things ppl decide intiially

You get that?

I will “spiritualize” it for you:

Initially (FIRST), there eight things people decide within SECONDs of meeting you (without your first impression even being made):

  1. Trustworthy
  2. High status
  3. Straight/Gay
  4. Smart
  5. Successful
  6. Dominant
  7. Promiscuous
  8. Adventurous

The one thing about people/us as human beings is that we are very concerned about “making” that first impression on people and the world around us but little do we know, even before you begin your chance to “wow” or “woo,” an assessment based on who people think you are (as it relates to being like them-the people you meet/acquaint yourself with); they have already begun to compute what they think and feel about you with very minimal or factual information.

That’s MORE of a reason for why I insist, and can’t stress enough to just BE YOURSELF. Once you FULLY understand and respect the power of “first” (like I explain on page 1), you can maneuver through this world and people easy-breezy and with a certain kind of peace and serenity of being “you” while other people of the world are begging and trying to fit molds that (little did they know) were preset and not for them (no matter what they do and say). Firsts and initial thoughts and things can’t be denied or defied.

Psychologists refer to this initial assessing things about people “thin slicing” –ways that we make snap judgments when looking for patterns to help us recognize and understand new or things foreign to us. To do that, immediately, sight-seen, we assign each other judgment in the form of adjectives or verbs to define who we think you are by way of perception FIRST even before the person we are judging even gets a chance to “perform” (wow, woo or bring woe).

Here is a good infographic I found on what those things are. I thought it was interesting because it’s useful in helping us see what mechanisms we use to determine whether an initial connect is made (or not) which too, is subjective and relative to the beholder.

Check it out: (click to enlarge)




Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .