South Carolina taking down the confederate flag – a signal of good will and healing, and a meaningful step towards a better future.
— President Obama (@POTUS44) July 10, 2015
Happy Confederate flag takedown day
As you may well now, today (July 10, 2015) via a ceremony reminiscent of that of a deceased vet laid to rest, the Confederate flag was removed from the state house in South Carolina following it being manually removed by the hands of activist Bree Newsome’s scaling the 30 foot pole on June 27, 2015 and taking it down herself:
….following mounting tensions after the June 18 terrorist attack on 9 bible class members at the hands of 21 year-old Confederate flag worshipper: Dylann Roof.
Reportedly, Dylann Roof wasn’t supposed to have been cleared to buy the .45 caliber gun he bought that took the lives of 9 bible study members at Charleston, South Carolina’s Emanuel AME church.
If you remember in the timeline of months leading to Roof’s methodical and planned attack, we did a write up detailing his entire manifesto where too, on February 28 of this year he was asked to leave a mall he had been scoping in such a way that made mall workers suspicious (considering the questions he was asking). When he got searched, cops a prescription painkiller called Suboxone and from there, he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance and banned from the mall for one year.
It is because of that very drug charge, Roof was supposed to have been disallowed to purchase the gun he bought in April [2015] when the background check was run which would have shown the charge (for possession of the controlled substance) on there.
Those conducting the background check did not have access to that police report.
F.B.I. director, James B. Comey expressed: “We are all sick this happened. We wish we could turn back time.”
Currently, Roof faces murder charges for the shootings of the 9 church members.
This isn’t the first time there had been loopholes in the FBI’s background check (National Instant Crimes Background Check System). Reportedly, over the past decade, as a result of the three day period the government has to determine whether someone is eligible to by a gun or no, thousands of prohibited buyers were able to purchase guns and (according to court records and government docs) some of those guns were indeed used in crimes.
Specifically, the 2007 Virginia Tech University shooting by gunman Seung-Hui Cho that led to the deaths of 33 people was one such massacre in which the gunman should not have been permitted to buy a gun because the courts previously declared him a danger to himself.
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .