CHANNING TATUM’s Out Here Upping The Anty Of #RelationshipGoals – Gushes Over JENNA DEWAN For No Occasion or Reason

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Channing Tatum’s out here upping the anty and #relationshipgoals of countless single and searching digital damsels out here in this social media struggle.

The good looking actor who, despite his muscular, masculine, manly self has already proven he could “Beyonce” (1:57)



…and too, just ‘be’ …just because. No special occasion here.

Channing posted a pic straight out the of no reason-just sharing with the world, his adoration for his wife: the beautiful Jenna Dewan with a caption feeling like something like an impulsively helpless thought straight off his heart, reading:

“It’s not hard to take a beautiful picture of this magical creature, but I thought this one was special.”


What’d I tell you about the wander and wonder about males (from 8 to 80)?channing-tatum-and-jenna-dewan

They like ‘special,’ …and “magic.”


At any rate.

What do you expect when your woman can gyrate like Ginuine in “Pony” followed by putting you in a skirt to ride out on one like such!?

Well they say the couple that plays together, stays together and well, Channing and Jenna has proven they can do just that!

Tap in from start:



In what seemed to be a a poetically contemplative mood, Channing posted a caption that closely identified with

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .