NICK CANNON’s Dad Makes Disparaging Comments About She and NICK’s Marital Problems–Online

eyeing your every word, post, retweet, favorite, and sharing of a post—trying to piece together a personality, plight, current state of being, or character for/of you-all to satisfy their cowardice, and fear of simply doing what “social media” is for (positively—for those with real/analog versus digital personalities): initiate proper dialogue and simply ask.


Given his deleted posts…Minister James Cannon however, was exempt from claiming that kind of villainization and couldn’t go back to clean up his mess with any excuse satisfactory enough for anybody-not even his “literary” excuse (grammar not corrected this time-sorry…I ‘aint feel like it):

JAMES CANNON NICK CANNONS DADLadies and gentleman only because of the small mined people that misunderstood the questions that I posted form my book the calling in which I published in 2011. Because a few small minded people misunderstood my questions from my book, as if I was talking about another man’s business. Here the thing, when a man or women belongs to God then god will deal with them, and help them.

In America we have the right to ask question about anything we want.

Heres the thing, small minds talk about people large minds talk about ideas. I am the type of man, yes man .that I do not get into other people business not even my sons and I have 5 of them that I love dearly. But there business is there business and there relationship is there bwteen them and God.

So check my record I stay out of other people business, even my own sons. Please forgive me to those that may have misunderstood my question from my book the calling about relationships, with father and son, about mothers and their girls and the calling of a husband and the calling of a wife. Read my book, it’s a really, really good book, that will help and not hurt. So forgive me and god bless.

Remember small minds talk about people large minds talk about ideas. A question is just that a question, that need to be answered. No ones name was mentioned. If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs the only dog that holler is the one that gets hit.jc”


 At any rate, the We Belong Together songstress will Shake It Off we’re sure.

MARIAH AND DEM BABIESMariah’s reps have issued a statement from the Always Be My Baby singer stating her concern and focus is on #DemBabies.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .