BETHENNY on the Beach Boo’d Up in a Bikini with Buff Bare-Chested Hunk

custody of their 3 year-old daughter Bryn.

bethenny-frankel-682x1024 Bethenny told US Magazine just this past November [2012]: “Divorces are like ice cream, there are a lot of different flavors. Some can be very amicable, and some can be very peaceful and easy, and some can be really brutal. I honestly did not have any idea how difficult in the very least it can be.”

In the interview, at the time, she also stated she was not ready to date.

The once bitten, twice-shy entrepreneur stated candidly: “It’s like having food poisoning and not wanting to eat again. In theory it sounds somewhat appetizing, but in reality it just doesn’t seem all that interesting to me.”

bethenny-frankel-miami-beach-date-with-hunky-mystery-man-271 Well, from the looks of things, Bethenny has had a change of heart and is wearing it well: A well-deserved happy face (and that bikini)!

bethenny-frankel-miami-beach-date-with-hunky-mystery-man-181  Go Bethenny!


We at Other Side of the Fame have our eyes on you and wish you WELL! 


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .