BEYONCE Thwarts Doubt That She ‘Gave Birth’ Early-In, UC Berkeley Deletes Alt-Right Speaker MILO She Pregnancy+ MIKE PENCE Turns Black History Month Over To Abe Lincoln, Honestly

Make sure to tune in to those stories along with another about a group of vigilantes who are acting as Trump’s “wall” in human form.

Unsupported and given the good graces of U.S Border Patrol, the chain gang sits border of Mexico-U.S line by taking the law into their own hands-acting as gate guards by taking extreme measures to keep wall hoppers out.


Tune in to that story and more! at our sister site



You know when the OSFMag brands OtherSideoftheFame and our sister site post up, the word goes out.

Since cc’d our sister site on this blog post we dropped this morning, Vice President Mike Pence made it clear that he is in the know about African American’s contributions to this country this #BlackHistoryMonth. He corrected it, and we owe it to him to let the record state that as well:

Author: Angela Sherice