The FCC – the Father of Controlling Consumers / Father of Consumer Control The Federal Communications Commission is our entertainment/media “big brother.”
A.k.a the implementer of tit tiffs and 3 second delay stiffs, the FCC pretty much oversees any unforeseen malfunctions.
Via cable or satellite the independent run branch of government, governs what we see, and hear on radio and television: local, syndicated or otherwise.
As we are being entertained and informed, laws that control what can be seen, said, or done cross-wire must have an overseer of sorts to make sure certain local, state and federal laws are being adhered to. Where that is a concern, that’s pretty much a summary of the FCC’s function.
As well, once the Internet (at one time, utilized by military personnel only) became available to consumers and civilians, it then became the FCC’s duty to govern that as well.
While with running electricity and the “luxury” of owning a radio or television, Americans can be entertained and informed via television and radio, when the Internet came along, that was a different kind of “luxury.”
Remember dialup and AOL?
From there it became broadband, then high speed and now (most popular) Wi-Fi.
With each ISP (Internet Service Provider) upgrade type, businesses began to take note that the Internet was going to be bigger than just MSN chat rooms, message boards and Yahoo Groups.
With this new way of an instantly gratifying life (exploring the world around us at our fingertips), websites became an instant way businesses and brands could advertise and sell their products, businesses, and services and essentially: do the greater percentage of their business the world over via–this thing called the “worldwide web” (the literal use of the word).
The issue with that however is that those old, “free 500 hours” AOL dialup CD’s that used to come in the mail in the later 90s through early 2000s became obsolete.
Getting yourself and ISP was just as new a bill necessity as keeping the lights on every month.
The problem with that however, is that
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .