No Duckets for the Vets: In Lieu of TRUMP’s Veteran Fundraiser, His Campaign Sends Bumper Stickers in Reply For Help

Today and this week, with Iowa being the state to watch, court (and win) for the presidency; Donald Trump’s has already romanced the state ahead of the other candidates by holding his fundraiser in Des Moines this past Friday (its entirety can be seen atop the OSF big screen).

With sensationalism at an all time high, despite his cowardly act of “boycotting” the GOP Debate Friday and while the jury is still out on how well that act of nobility –unaccountability sat well with voters; the fact of the matter is: Donald Trump garnered the attention he wanted.



Either way, and as with this whole entire campaign he’s running to win the seat of the United States presidency by subliminally speaking the vast majority of ideals, ideologies and thoughts of the American people [that he knows he] can win on the literal strength of that alone, the Donald asserted that his presence at the veteran fundraiser was like the Academy Awards.

While Donald Trump raised $6 million (which is $1 million more than the alleged reason he asked Fox to pay him for the appear at the debates and allegedly he real reason he bailed out), Trump bumper stickerregardless, there was a mission: Raising money for veterans.

Well given the fact that Donald Trump (who’s gone on record for jokingly asserting his draft letter must have gotten lost in the mail), its no wonder he would have no understanding of an actual veteran.


About a year ago, New-York based organization called Veteran’s Command sent a letter to the Trump campaign asking for help for homeless veterans.

As time went by, the response fell on deaf ears—until just before Trump’s “boycotting” stunt, where instead; he elected to go raise funds for veterans.

Fast forward.

The good news is that Trump’s campaign keeps all correspondence.

The bad news is that, they got a letter, no duckets, and instead: a Donald bumper sticker and a HANDWRITTEN note from “Team Trump” asking them for help.

Trmp handwritten letter

“Unfortunately we are unable to make donations from the campaign. Mr. Trump is very passionate about giving veterans the best life possible!”

Smugfaced Donald-Trump


h/t: NYDailyNews

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .