What’s A Girl To Do When The Man You Love No Longer Wants You? Singer KMICHELLE Claims Her ‘Swan Song’ of an Email To Ex Lover IDRIS ELBA Was ‘Leaked’, What Say You?

defense mechanism-used and often times effective until that man comes along and GIVES HER PERMISSION + MAKES HER FEEL SAFE TO TAKE THEM (her defense mechanisms) DOWN.

All women want to be loved.

All women want to be valued.

All women want to not serial date and start anew.

All women do. But until that happens, depending on our personalities, styles (sexualities) and all, we find ways to cope (via our defense or even offense mechanisms).

But truth be told, we all want somebody that wants us but preferably—who we want, back (in return in every way).

KMichelleAt any rate. Here goes (her fake email she claims was leaked after sending it to his office email. I’m a woman-I know better and so do you. Bless her heart, this is what she wanted him and the world to know):

 Guess what?!? I don’t hate you any more. And I don’t want to destroy you or the penis that was inside of me. I made a vow to myself that I would never contact you again because I feel as if my friendship was taken for granted but I drank a bottle and honesty is what I am all about tonight. I miss your face in my hot pocket. I don’t want to further incriminate you and I know you probably don’t trust me but I don’t want to further incriminate you.
I don’t know if I was in love with you but I feel like you were sent to me to show me that I deserve better than basketball players. More than anytime I miss the encouragement of my friend. Yes, I wrote my album about you but that’s what I do but I have to write about the things that affect me because not many things affect me. I date, I screw, I conquer, I am over it. You inspired and made me to write songs. Sorry if my selfishness and convenience may have affected your family. I questioned myself a million times as to if I was doing the right thing but I felt you never questioned yourself as to if you were doing right by me. I guess I am the story of every angry black woman, but the difference is, I don’t want to see you destroyed and through every interview if you noticed, I never wanted to destroy you as a person and a man. This is not an attempt to get you back, but more to cleanse my soul. I know it’s going to take time for you to trust me again and for me to trust you, but I just want to get to a place of healing and move past this in a mature fashion. I am not expecting a response via email, however, I would like to say these things to you on the phone. My phone number is 310-XXX-XXX. Wishing you all the best and continued success.

And PS, you didn’t have to block me on Instagram like I did you ???????????????????? ????????????????.
Best, K. Michelle


IFWT_KMichelle_2Although, still, we had yet to hear his version of the “relationship” (or tryst), we do know this (and like I always thought anyways and as you’ll uncover after reading this alleged email leak of hers): Idris was KMichelle’s first moment in life where she felt somebody saw her outside of what was typical for her (the types of men that are attracted to her hood ‘type’). Obviously it made her feel good to not only feel (‘worthy?’) of a debonair man from London, but too with an occupation unlike the trite norm for her type (basketball players and rappers etc).

Debonair accent perceived to be posh and proper or not, the fact the matter is: he’s still a man. And posh and proper men with debonair accents commit crimes of breaking hearts just like any other man.

A man is a man is a man is a man.



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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .