For Stealing a Horse, San Bernardino Man Kicked, Punched, Beat with Police Baton & Suffers 30 Blows to Head By 11 Sheriffs

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As if it wasn’t enough that (alongside the countless police misconduct and in justices gone viral here lately) we’ve just come off from reeling over this past Friday’s police pursuit in which several San Bernardino California cops pursued a 30 year-old Apple Valley California man named Francis Jared Pusok after suspecting he was trying to steal a horse-new news of improper police conduct goes viral (which we will get to in the next blog up).

As you can see from San Bernardino California footage, after the man was caught (then Tased , down, and did an obvious east to west stretch of his arms and then placed them clearly behind his back), the [suspected to be around 11] cops elected not ignore his assuming the position to be handcuffed and decided to kick and bet the man instead. Check out the footage:

*get out the violins

*deep sigh

According to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department an “internal investigation” is underway after (KNBCtv Los Angeles’) video footage of the incident was released.

Proof of the theft in standing there-unharmed-in all its stallionesque glory. And although the police officers rolled up to see a man about a horse and proof was in the footing…the fact still remains, he didn’t resist.

That being said, I don’t know how much “investigation” is required of an obvious exaggerated expression of surrender of the only man seen in color among the earthly /camouflage distance surrendering with several police officers seen gathering around kicking and beating someone laying on their stomach, hands behind back in a position to be cuffed.

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Here are the stats on the savage beat down, the scene, and more information for your records (in case you chose to be active in truly overseeing doing something about what you just saw other than circulating it across the Internet).

Here goes:

How many deputies involved: 9 possible 11

How many times the man was kicked: 17

How many times the man was punched: 37

How many times the man was beat with a baton: 4

Blows to the head (within all aforementioned): 30

San Bernadino Police Department: 710 N D St. San Bernardino, CA Phone#: (909) 384-5742

San Brenadino Sheriff’s Office: 655 E 3rd St. San Bernardino, CA Phone#: (909) 387-3545

Sheriff: John McMahon

That’s all the information you will need to know if this situation means more to you than gossip and circulating it on Internet and posting your feelings up and down your timelines.

K-NBCtv already did their part. I did mine.

Do yours.

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Just so you know. My mom was a 911 operator and while in training, they learn some basics about police culture and procedure/policies and such.

A police dog is considered to be about as “human” as the police officer.

Like for example, if you shoot your neighbor’s dog, all applicable state/city laws would apply (for your punishment).

But if you shoot a police dog, that’s either murder or (if he lives) attempted murder.

I’m sure that applies pretty much state to state.

So with that being said, that horse (is most probably) the equivalent of the man kidnapping a police officer–and that is where this “internal investigation” may be needed.

For, the horses you see sheriff/police officers riding upon around town–by law, those animals are protected and privileged above and beyond your neighbors horse or dog.



(as per L.A Times)635642551552130714-suspect-kicked

3:04 p.m.: This post has been updated with the FBI opening a civil rights investigation.

2:09 p.m.: This post has been updated with remarks from McMahon about Pusok having allegedly shot a puppy in front of his family.

1:18 p.m.: This post has been updated with the announcement that 10 deputies have been placed on leave.

April 10, 11 a.m.: This article has been updated with comments with Pusok’s mother and girlfriend.

9:50 p.m.: This article has been updated with additional details and comments from San Bernardino County Sheriff John McMahon.

5:49 p.m.: This article has been updated with a statement and incident details from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .