Talk show host Kelly Ripa might be blonde, little, cute, and funny yet she’s never put out as a “dumb blonde.” Blonde and fun, yes, but don’t get that twisted, she does not slack on her parenting skills nor does she “play” with her kids-despite how close in age she looks to them.
It would seem like Kelly Ripa (in all her television persona’s bubbly splendor); would be the type of parent who is “cool” to a near BFF extent with her kids [with whom has shares with that gorgeous hunk of a man-actor Mark Consuelos I might add].
Well the world according to Ripa is far from that.
In a day an age where people aren’t even aware of the psychology being played on them all with mere words [“like,” “follower,” “friend,” “favorite”] etc., and the fact that we live in a time where “staying in a child’s place” was as easy as the adults in one (literal) room and children in the other (literal) room; socializing today is far from that: Everybody is in the same room—parents and their children socialize in the same worlds away from the real world: influenced, enslaved, or blinded by the same words controlling egos, false senses of importance/self-esteem, realities, or…priorities) which, to a parent with traditional parenting values and skills, can be quite the culture shock to their children at log off and the reality of facing parents like such.
Whether it be a parenting style, or a life/social style, once you rid yourself of fearing what someone thinks of you, you’re less controlled by the situation or them-you control it, and you.
Talk show host Kelly Ripa’s parenting style is such that she is far from being concerned with being “liked” and looked at as “the cool mom” by her kids. And she doesn’t build her parenting style around the approval or disapproval of them over what she as their mom, feels is best for them.
Kelly revealed during an interview with Wendy Williams and the Today Show that right now, her daughter wasn’t speaking to her, and went on to explain that she did care [quote]:
[clickandtweet handle=”” hashtag=”” related=”” layout=”” position=””]“I’m not your friend, I’m your mom!” @KellyRipa[/clickandtweet]
She explained that Lola (her daughter) broke one of the rules of the house:
No texting or tweeting during study hours.
The repercussion Lola had to suffer as a result of breaking the rules was removal of her computer and phone privileges. “So it’s like taking away her oxygen,” said Ripa (who is adamant about not loosening up anytime soon) and was asked if she thinks her daughter still “likes” her.
She replied by saying, “I don’t think she likes me, but I don’t care. I just feel like an obligation, as her mom, is to keep her living in the real world. To be friends suggests that you’re equals, and you don’t want to have that relationship. Somebody’s got to be the parent.”
Whether Lola likes the rules, Kelly, or not, the fact still remains that as her parent, (and with the principles and rules of good parenting that Kelly is instilling) Lola will always be her follower whether she liked her mom, was her favorite or not.
Kelly is not [nor interested in being] her “friend”-just her mom. She’s cool with that.
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .