FIFTY SHADES OF GREY-Areas: Set Trouble in Pleasure-dice On Sure-Bet Movie of 2015

the character dynamics. And as well, the heavy is not all on what the woman should like personally (via desires, fantasies and experiences).

  • Like, I can’t look at Dakota Johnson and tell if she is right for the role.
  • I can’t watch Dakota Johnson do an awesome job reading for the role and know she’s right for the role.
  • I can’t even know Dakota Johnson personally and know that she is right for the role.
  • I would have to know Dakota Johnson “intimately”–to know that she is right for the role (to keep it “professional”-even a quiz of scenarios and judging from her responses, that would have told you if she was intimately the right fit for the role)

agressFor “Christian’s” character, the perfect man would have been one who derives pleasure in taking a submiss, and is comfortable being the aggressor from start to finish whose pleasure is derived from the pleasure OR pain he is giving-again-not necessarily about her, or being passionate or having “chemistry” with her/the submiss, but about the pleasure he gets from her reaction of submitting to him.

Because with sexual roleplay or S&M, people are merely objects used for mental, physical or even emotional pain or pleasure. It’s not necessarily about an emotional experience as it is about taking the mind, body and soul to physically. mentally, and sexually heightened levels.


At any rate.

According to reports that state the scenes are less than convincing and thus far, don’t feel as ‘passionate’ as they should (because people are going to be expecting the raunchiness as depicted in the book), the fact that the passion emitting from screen during filming is less than stellar + (in advance) having forewarned us all that the movie version is lite in comparison to the book-it all just might work out to the “I told you so” extent already. I dunno.

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It’s crunch time though, considering the movie is due out February 2015-much too late to find new lead characters for such a movie. So, from the sounds of things, if this passion doesn’t pick up between the two main characters, it’s all going to work out a little like a business, or branding rule and tip: promise less and deliver more.

Look on the bright side (and at it like this): if the passion does pick up, the movie will have met our expectations. Likewise, at least if the passion and chemistry between the two doesn’t ooze from the screen any better than recent reports, we’ve been forewarned already: not to expect it to be like the book, so the movie will have met our expectations nonetheless.

fifty-shades-of-grey-_-gif_It’s tricks, levels, psychology (and semantics) to all this.

MV5BMTcwMzQ5NDg0NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNDYyMzQwMTE@._V1_SY317_CR5,0,214,317_AL_And well…we’ll wait.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .