So it wasn’t until five days later than we learned (for a second time-I’ll elaborate on that shortly) the cop’s name who was [quote] “ ‘involved’ in the shooting of Mike Brown,” [unquote].
The world over pretty much knows that on the afternoon of Saturday, August 9, 2014, eighteen year-old Mike Brown was gunned down by multiple gun shot wounds at the hands of a St. Louis police officer who, at first (until rumored hackers and “‘insiders” got a hold of this photo of a Bryan P. Willman/ “Scooby Willman”):
…named him, found this man’s social media account and circulated that picture (notably, the name or face nothing like what would be reported a few days later).
Meanwhile back in the city, unrest began with frustrated teen boys, women and men, parents of teen boys, innocent children, and confused children along with their parents took to the streets of Ferguson in search of answers and with the intent of peaceful, protests, sit-ins, and demonstrations showing solidarity and seeking solutions.
Others took [and are still taking] advantage of the unrest and sought a solution to the city’s upset by looting—having no idea that aside from the physical, emotional, and financial toll the business owners; the damage to the city caused by such acts (in this situation) further prolongs essential investigative efforts that many of the peaceful protesters are marching and demanding answers about:
~ Exactly who the shooter is?
~ Exactly why did he shoot 18 year-old Mike Brown?
As for their rendition of a resolution to control the city’s unrest, the city sought refuge in lacing the city with
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .