11 Women Thrown From Napa Valley Wine Train Awarded + We Can We Learn From This?

Napa Valley Women from Train ride

Remember we told yous about that group of mama’s thrown from that San Francisco train [merely having a book club ladies day out and decided to board San Fran’s Napa Valley Wine Train] got thrown off because of other’s aboard being ‘thrown off’—at the sound of a group of women enjoying themselves?

The group of women (ten black and one white) nightmare began when they boarded the train to discuss a romance novel but the train intentionally jumped the track and although did not leave them stranded and give them their money back, instead (with police awaiting them at the next stop-St. Helena) the women were made haul a$$ and wait in the dirt for another train to carry them for, their laughter was “offending” other passengers.

Despite the apology the later received (after posting their experience on social media), the 11 women sought 11 million in damages.

On Monday, their attorney, Waukeen McCoy, told the San Jose Mercury news that a settlement (for an undisclosed amount) was reached last week.

I must say this.

Given the enormous amount of “cultural diversity” and “when you…I feel…” training I underwent when I was 21 years-old with a ‘corporate’ job at GE; it baffles me that in this day and age, [why] companies (corporate or otherwise) wouldn’t implement this kind of diversity training.

Although this requires another blog in order to elaborate on, I must say that the world of

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .