Let’s just say that 1 of the 3 billion dollar Powerball winners were more excited about telling the world even before they signed and told the Tennessee Lottery Commission they won.
confused face
…So much so that they started making interview rounds in New York City even before sealing their deal! Who does that? The swift family Robinson’s that’s who:

Lisa and John Robinson of Munford, Tennessee had no idea when they purchased a ticket at Naifeh’s Food Mart that moment would forever change their lives with a 1.292 million chances at winning 1.5 billion dollars before taxes.
Well, 3 winners won-which means before taxes, $328,835,000 million is the final payout for all three winners and are entitled to a $528,800,000 share should they choose the annuitized payout.
Husband and wife Lisa and John are the only ones of the two other winners who stepped forward and showed their faces. The others, like me, are probably at home chilling and overwhelmed with the wonderfully daunting task of making a 5-subject notebook list of all the places, and people who’ve consistently, unyielding and unwaveringly been substantially supportive or good to me and/or my son (while prepping for ongoing monthly stipends for a few extra special ones).
“We just wanted a little big piece of the pie,” said Lisa Robinson. “Now we’re real grateful we got the big piece of the pie.”
The Robinson’s plan to pay off their daughter’s student loans, continue to work their jobs and have no plans to buy a bigger house.
The two other winning tickets sharing this jackpot