The U.S’ #1 Fan (Yet Again) Out of Hand: North Korea’s KIM JUNG UN Threatens To Now Have Thermonuclear Bomb, Experts Doubt It

garner attention like such when by the same token, it’s also obvious that he likes and has a fascination with the U.S.

It’s just like that person/s on U.S soil somewhere in the world (online) or somewhere in the stratosphere who has a fascination with you-but chooses to be cryptic with negative action for a reaction when (it’s painfully obvious), they just wanna be down.

He’s kinda like that, beneath all this.

That said, in addition to being filed in OSF’s Channel 2 “Our World and the People Of It,” we’re gonna go on and file this blog in the “When Stars Or Fans Get Out Of Hand” category (as listed along the side panel of the desktop/laptop view of OSF. Because Kim Jong Un is a fan (of the U.S) who, out of nowhere, just…gets out of hand. LoL.

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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .