Texas Cops Subject 20 Year-Old Woman To Body Cavity Search in Gas Station Bathroom in Search Of Marijuana

nothing but that wasn’t enough for the officer who still insisted he smelled weed after which, he did her the ‘courtesy’ of calling in a female officer who met them on the scene of a funky, dirty, bathroom gas station where a body cavity search was performed on the woman.

When the female officer arrived, Corley says she was asked to pull her pants down. Corley advised the officer she did not have on any underwear. ‘Well that doesn’t matter. Pull your pants down,’ Corley said the officer replied, became aggressive and threatened violence if she did not comply.

“Compliance” and “aggression” meant forcing Corely to the ground and demanding that Corely [quote] “open your legs” [unquote].

When Corely refused to open her legs, she says she was given to option to have them broken instead.Corely

Corley then complied and stated, “I bend over and she proceeds to try to force her hand inside of me. I tell her, ‘Ma’am, No. You cannot do this.’ All I could do was just lay there…I felt helpless” said the young woman.

Corely asserted that at no time did she give officers consent to do such a thing but a Harris County spokesperson stated the arrest report shows Corley told officers she would undergo a strip search if she needed to.

Sam Cammack, Corley’s attorney noted that without a doubt, conducting an unwarranted body cavity search (at a gas station in full public view at that) was indeed a violation of Corely’s civil rights.

“It’s undeniable that the search is unconstitutional,” Cammack stated.

Somewhere in this (although I doubt it + reports aren’t saying the ‘where’ being her vagina) Corely was found

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .