Sex, Drugs and Huxtable: 2005 Deposition Shows BILL COSBY Admitted Administering Quaalude Rape Drug – Is The Joke On His Supporters Now?


Bill Cosby is all over the news now, for you-know-what, riddled with a whole lot of “sorry’s” and “I told you so’s.”

For the many victims that came forward and out of the woodwork, this day must be such a day of vindication for them, considering many of the rapes Cosby was accused of-happened years before many of us were born or mere twinkles in our parents eyes.

Rape however, has no expiration date but unfortunately, and especially considering somebody rich, famous and trusted—that could be a tough pill to swallow.

Pun intended.

America’s dad and who, “for 52” years worked in Hollywood under the microscope of: ‘Bill Cosby wouldn’t do a thing like that’-turns out; Bill Cosby was accused of “doing things like that” (to many), but actually and factually indeed did a thing like that—to one (for sure)-by his own admission in a deposition.malcolm jamal warner AND BILL

When you consider shows like Fat Albert (a cartoon about a group of urban neighborhood kids going through their excursions of the day with life lessons learned by end show) or “Little Bill” (a cartoon about a curious little African American boy learning about his environment through all his many questions and inquiries), or you consider ‘Dr. Huxtable’ of the 80s sitcom: “The Cosby Show” ’s matriarch that you either felt like was the dad we already did have or never had; these accusations this admission is quite the [pop] culture shock—that Jello Pudding’s man would drug countless women and take advantage of them against their knowledge, consent or will.

It almost seemed like a witch hunt for a while there-with as many famous, aspiring models and actresses from Cosby’s past were falling through like a sit-in was underway.

Of all the women that accused him (after 2005) the one that he had to come clean about (and did-in the form of a settlement to avoid going to trial) it was the very one that’s on the public table with documents as proof of Cosby of giving “Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with” and “giving the sedative to at least one woman (in 1976) and ‘other people.’ ”



Well, that “one woman” was Andrea Constand who, unlike the other women who came forth, worked with/has business with Cosby in close proximity (versus the other women’s claims having taken place either at his some, a hotel or in questionable places and at questionable times leaving much too much room for he-say she-say).


Constand worked as a director of the women’s basketball team at his stomping grounds and Alma Mater where too, he was on the Board of Trustees. But although he copped a plea and paid, here we are, 10 years later (and a round of denials and acts of defiance from Cosby over this past year), it turns out: he did do (what he claims) “to one woman or other people” (and what several countless women from 2005-2015 claimed): slipped them a Quaalude and slept with them while they slept or were sleepy.

All being said, the only “new” thing to say is, that with PROOF now being out and on paper from Cosby’s 2005 deposition where (again) he admits [to] “Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with” [and] “giving the sedative to at least one woman (in 1976) and ‘other people.’ ”

That left the tables being turned on people who defended him and especially those that vehemently defended him (without proof and basically on the list of: “Bill Cosby would do…”).JillScott_OtherSideoftheFame_dotcom2

One of those people being R&B singer Jill Scott who (now) has this to say

“About Bill Cosby. Sadly his own testimony offers PROOF of terrible deeds, which is ALL I have ever required to believe the accusations. I stood by a man I respected and loved. I was wrong. It HURTS!!! When you get it ALL right, holla.”

She continued:

“1) We live in America. Many African American men are detained &/or imprisoned for crimes without evidence. I will never jump on bandwagons… 2) based on social media or hearsay. Proof will always matter more than public opinion. The sworn testimony is proof. Completely disgusted.”

Well whether proof is needed or no, as vehemently as Scott defended Cosby (no “proof” being made available at that time), the safe thing to do was to remain neutral. It wasn’t she that spoke up for Cosby, but she basically called it all and everybody lies and liars-not: “I’ll hold out until I get proof.” That just wasn’t her delivery’s stance.

That being said, the witch hunt of a spotlight was on Jill Scott first, because her initial response wasn’t as sound-minded and centered (like today-after proof was made available). Her disposition was far from merely remaining neutral waiting on “testimony offer[ing] PROOF of terrible deeds.”

Moreover though, the spotlight is now on Cosby, who for over the past year, defiantly made his public appearances and comedy shows despite boycotts and heckles.

He defiantly persisted AS IF this day would turn over results quite the opposite.

Bill Cosby


That being the case (that he did indeed-in 2005) admit [to] “Quaaludes with the intent of giving them to young women he wanted to have sex with” [and] “giving the sedative to at least one woman and ‘other people’ ” …his showing up to comedy shows unwanted and heckled with the kind of defiance he persisted, pretty much makes it look (now) like the jokes was on the Jill Scott’s, and the Phylicia Rashad’s and any other people that either vehemently defended him or denied [that] “Bill Cosby would ever do.”

Bill and Phylicia 1996


Today, in considering all that, the price to pay is his. But the heckling (and joke) is certainly on them-thanks to Bill (who already knew the truth).



It’s very sad that the ONE man responsible for the BEST time in our young lives that bring all us “Cosby Kids” back some GREAT memories, is accused guilty of such terrible things. Even I have to admit, like Jill: This tainting of that legacy that cannot be replaced or duplicated, and does hurt. A scene from one of the episodes even owns a spot of a page in one of my first published books as a March 14 memory.

So yeah, unfortunately, I’m not with Bill.

Sadly, I am indeed with Jill, jack.


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .