Self-Efficacy And The Importance of Self-Awareness As Personal Development Skills


As many of you know (who know me as a writer and have followed me for years) as a summary to sum up my works, my earlier personal/books (and my newer) site’s slogan has always read “Writer of: “Erotic | Introspective | Reflective | Self-Efficacious | Metaphysical Literature Ingest. Feel Empowered. Get Enlightened. Be Inspired.”

Considering the fact that no matter what I share in my writing (via blogs, books, or anywhere), it always comes from a place of self-efficacy, self-awareness, and authenticity: first.

I’m hell bent on dealing with your true self and thoughts before judging, deciding, concluding or effectively being able to advise, suggest,  and story tell to readers. I’ve always lived by the words “charity starts at home” (literally and spiritually). You cannot offer, point anyone to, or share with anyone, nothing that you don’t fully understand, yourself-or offer much that you haven’t experienced (and that’s okay to be okay with, because ‘self’ has a lot to live and learn, first).

It is important that one has:

  • loved
  • lost
  • listened
  • looked (inside)
  • learned

…before they can they take their direction pointed outwards: To/for other people. As well, it is important that one understand those very same bullet points are the journey of life in which neither experience in either should stunt your growth or willingness to love (again), lose (again) listen (again) look inside (again) or learn (again).

That’s my spiel on the importance of self-efficacy and self-awareness.

Spend more time improving yourself (rather than comparing yourself/someone else’s blueprint) and you will confidently be the best you at what you do, effortlessly. I swear by this.

In a world where it’s popular to put out more extrinsically ‘unselfish’ than to put out there that you are taking an emotional, mental, or spiritual sabbatical commitment (or moment to live selfishly-for yourself) today, (although it shouldn’t), seems to cause others around us to be taken aback and sometimes label us as being self-centered and selfish. Rebuke and don’t ascribe to that as, my advice to that is: Don’t fall victim to the pressures of being labeled “self-centered” because you made/are making the conscious decision to take some time out to center yourself—there’s a difference.

Often times we tend to look to others or at others to gauge what we should / should be doing. Or what is/or is not possible, when actually, that’s not a good way to hone in on, or improve our own “us.”self-awareness-3-638

In a world like today, everybody seems (or really is) so “success” driven and monstrously “ambitious” that we often times forget that some people are either okay with + unashamed to say: “I’m still finding ‘me’” or “I don’t know yet, I haven’t found my way.”

Actually, there is nothing wrong with that because

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .