If Your Relationship Is On Display Is It All For ‘Play’? Busted: SAGE THE GEMINI Used JORDIN SPARKS For Publicity – Ex Leaks Audio Of His Admitting Relationship Stunt

agree or share the sentiment (even if secretly-they don’t).


Especially for women, once you begin that relationship on display cycle, when the relationship goes sour, you throw yourself into finding the next relationship to display–SPECIFICALLY  to show all exes that you’re doing fine (in case they’re watching). The next thing you know don’t know is that you’re out of control and pure de entertainment for your entire social media page. So let’s hope you’re really selling something else they are literally buying.

In today’s world of being on display being a ‘way of life’ now, everything is in reverse. And if worthy, scared and true, is in the other reverse.

Let me explain.i love you man seeks woman

In LIFE, whereas to be loud, boisterous, being who you aren’t and ‘acting like a coon’ was once frowned upon, in today’s world, it could get you a reality show and a whole new life.

In LOVE, (today) if it’s not in display, no one loves or wants you. But the truth is, if you really want to test the truth of the strength of your relationship, you’re better off trusting all that is not on (constant) display (or even at all).

Because once you put it on display, it becomes a chase of dressing up what’s on display-versus dressing your love/lover up with your (true) love.

So the rule about the love (and life) on display?

Be skeptical. Everything’s not what it seems.

Whether regular life (or celebrity life): stick to your own #relationshipgoals

Although relationships in the celebrity world can truly be real, as well, they indeed can be publicity stunts out there to cancel out beyonce-blue ivy jay z parisany rumors laying dormant or on the way out or whatever–and they can go on for years (example: whose names I shall not mention).

In the celebrity world, their relationships are best kept secret if it doesn’t “power up” the couple.

Whereas before social media, if a celebrity (especially a male) was in a relationship with a woman who wasn’t a celeb, his team would much prefer he kept it secret (so as to not lose his appeal to his female fan base).

Today however, it’s okay to put his relationship on display if (even if she’s not a celeb but at bare minimum-had better be social media hype)-that’s good enough to ‘power up’ and make all who spend all day on the Internet plug in. Whether fake relationship or real, it’s all apart of the game. Their careers (today) are best served single [so] ‘your fan feel the they stand a chanceable’ if you are not ‘powering up’ as a couple (so as to create media hype and the make ups to break ups to follow while pumping and promoting projects in between).

But what happens when (as far as one of the two parties knew), the relationship was real, especially when you

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .