Random Ramblings: KARMA

One thing about ‘karma” is that we often wish it on people (who we feel) have wronged us. But just because we feel they wronged us doesn’t necessary mean they actually did anything wrong to us.

We have to be careful in wishing bad karma on people to pacify our feelings when things didn’t go as we expected, planned, wished or we felt like someone should have done a/certain thing/s certain ways (to our satisfaction or approval). That’s really not karma’s job.

That’s our job-to teach that person/people how to treat us or deliver our own personal subtle wrath of karma: by simply teaching them to know what it’s like to not be around/have your presence any longer.

Since karma never delegates us to be its deliverer (when somebody actually does do wrong to us) boy don’t we pray to be there in the moment to witness it?



For those of us complaining that karma “takes to long,” this one’s for you:




Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .