PIERS MORGAN’s Attempt to Define “Black Twitter” After Rebutting #BlackLivesMatter Then Rebuking NICKI MINAJ’s Race Rant @ MTV Got Him Read The Riot Act Today

MTV’s criteria for the nod is.

At any rate. With regard to the more serious/worldly issues pertaining to other portions of this blog.  Many, like Piers, have questions like: 

  • If you (as a race) use (the N-word) why is it so offensive when non-black races use it?’
  • Why “#Blacklivesmatter” by contrast to “#AllLivesMatter”?
  • What’s the difference in “N****R”   vs.    “N****A” ? 

head over here to get your answers. Via another blog dealing with issues like such, I elaborated. It should enlighten you (and answer those questions).

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .