On ‘Decision-Making’ : Are You Making Emotional Suicide Decisions or Making Decisions To Be ‘Alive’ Going Forward – A Personal ‘TED Talk’

people make drastic decisions based on what they are feeling right now-in that moment. And when ‘emotional’ is what they are feeling, often times decisions derived from emotions are not that typically sound and of a solid mind kind. When we make decisions from that state of being, we cannot turn back.

You have to be true to yourself and clear about the motivation behind why you are making a decision and while you’re living with it–you have to figure out a way to live and be alive with extrinsically motivated decisions 

The thing about emotions is that they are revolving door (in heart and mind).

What we feel right now, we may very well feel different about tomorrow.

So when making a decision, you have to decide if the bigger part of your decision is an intrinsic one: solely the right one for you (or if a major part of that decision carried head fantasies of the reaction of the people around you)…

With regard to emotional suicide, something we have to remember when we make extrinsic emotional decisions is: life goes on. Like suicide, most-if not all-people who do it carry on head fantasies of the people who it will affect (typically the ones that hurt them over the ones that love them and will suffer hard at their choosing this way out).

The problem with that is: once the decision is made and the deed is done—there is no turning back.

Extrinsic emotional decisions do allow you to think yourself through-they just leave you stuck at the part of the emotion you’re secretly soliciting from others by whom the decision is affected.

With regard to extrinsic emotional decision-making, something I feel is a great personal self think tank is this:

Have you ever been affected by the death of a loved one–the way we all gather in the room and cry and whatever it is we do and feel?

What happens next?


In the morning time from that moment, birds begin to chirp, the sun comes up and you see that first random person walking down the street when you take a peek out of your curtain. After that, there will be several throughout your day (whether you are sitting and mourning or whether you have to get out and about the hustle and bustle of life).

The point of the matter is…it’s like I said earlier: ‘Life won’t permit the sit.’

So whether you are sitting there in the dark still mourning and

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .