Light Bulb Moment: Light Up Your Life The Old Fashioned ‘Soft White’ Way- Those New Spiral Shaped Bulbs Will Kill You Softly

on an iron-clad iron regiment prescribed by my doctor because…put it this way: there are two iron level numbers that are ‘healthy’: One in the double digit 30’s and the other in the double digits ‘teens.’

Where yours may be at a 30 something, mine is in the low 20s.

download (2)Where yours may be at 15, mine is in the single digits. My red blood-cell count is at disrespectful levels.

For over two years now, I have been fiendishly crunching on ice in massive amounts (like 6 to 10 44-64oz cups per day). I have a reputation and am well-known around the city in all restaurants, convenience stores, and the like as: “that one girl that comes for the ice.” Others all know me by name and sneak me trays and trays of ice when their supervisors aren’t around-as a sports for fun. It’s that bad.

Trust me, if I were on the run and an APB was put out around the country for me…I’d be busted-easily. I promise you this.

My iron levels are so low that I’m cool when I’m on my feet and on the go, but even if I sit a a red light too long: I’m out. I get sleepy when I’m driving. But mostly–when I sit at my computer…………………..and turn on that bulb…it’s like a timer. And in a matter of time, I am taken OUT: Chin to chest and slumped over in my chair like a drunk. I cannot hang when I cut that bulb on. It’s like a referee blowing a whistle saying: “She’s OUT!” It sucks the LIFE out of me.

Low and behold, this has to be the reason (that bulb). I remember in college, while in conversation with my professor (who was Amish or Jewish I can’t remember), he gave me this long spiel about electromagnetic radiation in microwaves and cell phones. But unfortunately, I never thought of electromagnetic radiation being emitted from a light bulb.

Viola! These new “cute” bulbs emit EMR at some stark raving speeds and are of great benefit to your util company but get a different use out of your

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .