Did You Party Like a ROCKSTAR on New Years Eve? Let’s See How You Compared To Your Favorite Celeb


Sure, everybody’s a star on Twitter, but did you wonder if your New Years Eve compared, or could light a candle to your favorite celebs’ New Years Eve festivities (and extracurricular activities)?401653


Wonder no more.

(And don’t feel so bad about slipping on something to take that god-awful grainy selfie-for Twitter-pretending that you were on your way out to):

NGL_31Luxx_35035314_401805 screeching party kazoos…

New-Years-Eve-Hats-7  NewYearHat awful party hats…

$(KGrHqR,!qgFHz2KvvNKBSC06im2c!~~60_35  light bulb glasses in the shape of 2014…

33-wild new years party …and drunken people awaiting your arrival.New-Years-Eve-Party-3

It’s cool.

Twitter’s always there to have our backs…when we front …

*throws hand*

Oh, who cares.

NewYearsEve1 Let’s see how you compare to how some of your favorite celebs and rockstars brought the New Year in. Check out this compilation our friends over at Huffington Post put together for us


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .