A Creative Way One Man Broke Up With His Cheating Girlfriend + How Men Cope…Or Do They?

Although he obviously had a reason, there was no clear explanation or reason we could bounce off one another-it simply was what it was: He wanted to leave and leave on a clean break-merely okay with the fact being that broken hearts never break in the middle and she was going to be the one left with the short end of it.

It was just that. He wanted out and his exit was smooth, and clean. Period. Dot.

LET ME NOT FORGET TO MENTION HIS FINAL EXIT: When they returned from dinner and the movie, instead of parking the car with her in it, he told her to go on inside because he was gonna “turn around” and would be back in a second. By the time she stuck her key in the door and turned the lights on, he had turned around alright….and pulled off.

She was in shock for a while and asked me to come over. I saw it for myself. It was pure de immaculate dissection. His movers (or homies) had to have had a “un”dressed rehearsal or move out sheet. The move was as clean as a slice of pie. And their dinner and movie date was their normal “date night” goings on. No warning signs.

Cheating girl2

At any rate.Cheating girl

Just when I thought it couldn’t get any more creative than that, a man discovered that his girlfriend (slash) future wife was cheating on him and for three whole weeks, he watched the whole thing unfold-down to every barely-there selfie she took and sent (and cc’d) the guy she was cheating with.

Well in meticulous fashion, video taped a complete romantic setup where the girlfriend was made to believe she was walking into a romantic oasis leading up to a special trip to Northern Lights and plans to be his lawfully wedded wife.

Complete with Roxette’s It Must Have Been Love But Its Over Now playing in the background, via the love notes he set her up to read, (while video taping her expression) he prepared his exit (by which he video taped for proof of no damage or drama).


Although when watching the beginning of the video tape while he explains all this (while taking you step by step how this is all going to go down), after she arrives (around the 7:16 minute of the video), by the time it gets to the 12:40 minute of the video, (despite how okay he seems to be about the goodbye at the end while driving off) you can hear the tears in his voice when he reads his poem to her. But after than 12:40 minute of sadness, he chucks it all up and carries on as (literally) planned: Making sure her face is videotaped when she reads the part in the letter: “And who is fcking [such and such guys name] she was cheating with”



The interesting thing to note about this is that men cannot handle being cheated on—because they know the actions of other men and as they too know they’ve juggled more than one woman at a time, or two (or few) in his lifetime therefore; are very aware that when they “cheat”-it’s rarely the emotional big to-do as it is for the woman.

glitter gold starDespite their hurt (like you can hear in his voice in the 12:40 minute portion of the video) men collect their pain and make split second decisions to move on rather than sit in with a broken heart. That’s not to say they don’t hurt, but men walk wounded. They collect the pain of heartbreak better than women however, they don’t deal better ever—they just collect it and it manifests or is suppressed in ways conducive to their life and relationship style.

The strange thing about men with regard to that is, this pain that they collect + their ability to carry on ‘as if’ alls well is nearly mechanical (but necessary for the species’ emotional well being and survival). Men walk both wounded and winging it-equally. And every man is a product of fall the heartbreak he’s experienced as well as all the strokes to his ego and malehood. And somewhere in between that, the woman finds and chooses to build and settles with-fits nicely in between there somewhere. And should his heart gets broken again (by her) he walks on (yes, wounded) but wings it all over again. And that 14:50-16:15 minutes of that guy seeming “ok” and driving away (the way he is–seeming “ok”) is a good example of being wounded but winging it: both a cry and a coping mechanism. They have to cope like that in order to be able to (metaphorically) drive off and move on in this life.

Man riding off from cheating girl


Artist atop OSF big screen: Roxette It Must Have Been Love


Valentines Day



Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .