Civil Rights Leader JULIAN BOND Dies At Age 75

popular quote and mantra Bond abided by which lead to results and change as Bond was a significant advocate and fighter for social justice since the beginning of the 1960s civil rights movement, a former chairman of the NAACP and while attending Morehouse College-founded the Southern Poverty Law Center and the SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) which gave students a fearless voice during the civil rights movement.

Born January 14, 1940, on Wednesday, Julian Bond, 75, fell ill from complications related to vascular disease and as per his wife of 24 years (Pamela Horowitz), says he still remained optimistic and found reasons to laugh.

On Saturday, August 15 in Fort Walton Beach Florida, Bond died. As Pamela was leaving the intensive care unit she explains that a nurse-the first to offer her condolences-stopped her: “She told me, ‘I want you to know it was a privilege to take care of him,’ As a gay American, I thought he was a hero.’ And for her to say that, for her to be the last person who was with him, I thought it was a nice way to end.’”

She continued: “He had a wonderful sense of humor. You know, that got him through the serious things he dealt with all his life. He used to joke that

Author: OSFMagWriter

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