1,400 Carrier Corp Workers in Indiana Gather Only To Learn Their Jobs Are Being Outsourced To Mexico

[video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”Y3ttxGMQOrY” width=”640″ height=”480″ anchor=”1,400 Carrier Corp Workers in Indiana Gather Only To Learn Their Jobs Are Being Outsourced To Mexico”]

I get it, I respect the grind and know that regardless your entrepreneurial, ambitious spirit, or stark in contrast your interests and pursuits are, it’s always good to learn from the pros who are doing it on a greater scale than you.

One thing I swear by is how necessary it is to sit back and be a student when need be.

As well, when working for someone, we all want to be associated with a great company, but I have to admit: Sitting back on the first day-listening to a lecture on the billions upon trillions a company has turned over while knowing you’re making hardly pennies to that dollar is quite the insult. Not even the money they’re paying you for that hour of listening to the spiel is worth it.

Gotta pay the bills so you snooze through it-occasionally rolling your eyes in your head listening to them tell the room you have to give them a year or more of your time before you can even share stock in the company.

But try coming in to work one day only to find out your job is high tailing it out of—the country.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .